Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year! God Loves You!
May this year be filled with joy and growth in the Word of God!

John 1:
"1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

Be filled with the Holy Spirit, as we read His Word together!

by His grace alone,

Pastor Paul

January 2011 Bible Reading Schedule

Please go to:

For this month please follow the reading schedule. You can follow the following format.

On Your Own

-Pray. Take this time to pray for this time of hearing God speak through the living Word of God.

-Read. Underline, highlight or take note of any words, phrases, verses that stand out or confuse you. You will eventually develop your own way.

-Ask yourself these three questions as you read through the text. You may have to read the text a few times.

o What does the passage say? Read it at least once and, if necessary, compare different translations.[1]

o What does it mean? What did it mean to the person who first wrote it and those who first read [and heard] it? Extra reading (like commentaries or articles on this text) may help here. Write down questions, items to note, etc.

o How does it apply to me, my family, my [school] or work, my neighbors, the society around me? …It is when we see the relevance to our own lives that Bible reading becomes so exciting and we become conscious that we are hearing God’s voice? Think also about the words, phrases that really stood out to you. Why do you think they stood out? Is God saying something to you?

Sundays will be a day of rest as you hear the Word of God by Pastor Rana or Pastor Paul. However, please think about the Word that day as you worship Him!

  • 1/1/11: Genesis 39:1-6
  • 1/3/11: Genesis 39:7-23
  • 1/4/11: Romans 13:1-7
  • 1/5/11: Psalm 18
  • 1/6/11: 1 Corinthians 13
  • 1/7/11: Proverbs 11:1-9
  • 1/8/11: Proverbs 11:10-21
  • 1/11/11: Genesis 41:14-40
  • 1/12/11: Genesis 41:41-29
  • 1/13: Genesis 41:53-57
  • 1/14: Genesis 42
  • 1/15: Psalm 91
  • 1/17: Titus 3:1-8
  • 1/18: Genesis 45:1-16
  • 1/19: Genesis 45:17-28
  • 1/20: Genesis 26: 1-6, 28-30, 30,34
  • 1/21: Exodus 1:1-14
  • 1/22: Psalm 40
  • 1/24: Exodus 1:15-22, Isaiah 58:10-14
  • 1/25: Exodus 2:1-9
  • 1/26: Proverbs 11:22-31
  • 1/27: Exodus 2:11-22
  • 1/28: Exodus 3
  • 1/29: Psalm 19
  • 1/31: Proverbs 12:1-14

[1] Italics from Gumbel, Nicky. Alpha-Questions of Life, Deerfield, IL: Alpha North America, 2003, 95.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, JR. Highers

    Before you go on to the book of Exodus, Please finish GENESIS

    1/21- Genesis 46
    1/24- Genesis 47
    1/25- Genesis 48
    1/27- Genesis 49
    1/28- Genesis 50
